How to optimize business processes with workflow

What is a workflow solution? How many types of workflows are there? What are their characteristics? Let’s proceed in order and start with a simple definition. When we talk about workflow software we are referring to a tool for managing workflows, capable of activating automated activities.

Illustration Business Processes with Workflows


There are three main types of business workflows:

  • IT Workflow
  • Workflow for Employees
  • Workflow for Customers

The peculiarities of a digital workflow are many. Let’s do some practical examples.
Using an automated workflow management tool you can:

• Automatically schedule maintenance activities based on time and usage
• Smartly and automatically assign tasks for constant collaboration among departments and activities for corporate Change Management processes
 Integrate real-time data with popular business apps
• Manage approvals, deadlines and automatic renewals of contracts
• Check acquisitions and disposals of company assets at a glance


What are the steps to follow to configure business processes with a workflow software?

1) mapping workflows, i.e. identifying which processes are to be mapped and the related details, such as tasks, KPIs and actors involved;

2) designing workflows, that is, configuring the steps of the process and setting specific rules;

3) monitoring processes and verifying their functioning and related performances.

Example of digital workflow created with Deepser.


Why adopting a central workflow management tool is convenient?
From IT Management to Human Resources, from Customer Care to Administration; a no code – low code solution for business process management can bring many benefits. Let’s take a look at them:

Simplified Internal Processes
The adoption of a workflow tool is useful to simplify daily task management of various departments.
For instance, corporate Change processes can be managed with flows: not only activities to be done are automatically assigned to the correct employee, but also deadlines and reminders are automated. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined as well as each one’s tasks and the information they have access to.
This allows for processes to be transparent and it simplifies business flow management, in particular when adopted by large-sized companies.

Increased Productivity
By adopting a solution for business process management, it is possible to standardize processes.
This augments productivity and allows for a decrease of time and costs. Eliminating redundant activities, automating repetitive tasks and reducing many manual steps brings much more than just an efficient use of resources. Downtimes and problems are identified and solved more quickly.
Such greater efficiency generates an improved task management and better interpersonal relationships.

Less Mistakes
Having a global, clear and precise vision of company processes allows to reduce errors, avoid delays and reach targets earlier. In fact, not only goals and tasks appear more defined and measurable but also data are imported and elaborated automatically; manual typing is drastically reduced and all information needed are in a just one single tool.
Moreover, thanks to the integration with other systems, you are less likely to make manual mistakes and waste time on further rework.

Real-Time Data Tracking
To run business activities many applications are required daily. Information need to be exchanged among different systems, however, not all instruments can collect, track and share data in real time.
With a workflow management tool, it is possible to quickly import and monitor data from different applications, such as CRM, ERP, email accounts and IoT, and integrate them making data available to the correct company resources.
Thanks to the constant tracking of information you analyze performance with extreme precision, thus instantly identify inefficiencies and possible areas of improvement.

Better Quality of Work
What is another natural consequence of adopting digital workflows within a company? Happier employees and more pleased customers and partners.
Needless to say, a tool that automates activities and speeds up processes allows for greater transparency and simplicity in the management of workflows. The intelligent distribution of tasks, as well as the clear assignment of roles within a given project, eliminate misunderstandings and facilitates collaboration.
Moreover, entrusting a series of operations, controls and alerts to a specific tool allows employees to concentrate better on their duties, reaching objectives faster with less stress and dissatisfaction.

Example of the process to create a workflow in Deepser.

Can a flow management tool truly have a positive impact on the entire company?
It is clear how the benefits to use a workflow solution to automate processes are truly remarkable not only for large-sized companies.
The ones mentioned above are just a few advantages. Among others, it is worth quoting an easier management of approvals, deadlines and contract renewals, as well as maintenance planning and malfunction management.
Digitizing workflows with a business process management software brings a decisive improvement on all areas: quality and quantity of time, productivity, better performance and higher security in the general management process.

To conclude, by adopting an advanced flow management tool such as Deepser, which also offers ITSM features, a company can promptly meet its constantly changing business needs. Activate your free demo now.

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