How to optimize the invoicing of contracts and services: A guide to digitalization

Have you ever wondered how much time your company spends to invoice services? Find out how to optimize and automate processes to streamline invoicing.

Illustration Optimizing Invoicing of contracts and services

Digitalization has become essential to improve business efficiency and provide quality services with the goal of maximizing turnover. One of the areas where digitalization can make a relevant difference is that of contract management; be them contract of rental, support or maintenance services.

Contract management is a very delicate issue for companies, particularly for those that offer a wide range of services and must keep track of all the specifics and agreements made with each customer. The difficulties are many, as there is a risk of losing sight of the different deadlines, operational waste, and unnecessary costs, thus impacting on turnover and expenses.

Have you ever wondered how much time your company spends on contract invoicing?

In this article, we will explore how digitizing contract management and integrating it synergistically with the service facilitates timely invoicing of contracts and services.

Integrating Contract Management with Service Management

As a first step, it is advisable to integrate contract management with the service management system to centralize all information pertaining to customers, contracts, services, maintenance activities done, and time spent.

The use of a complete Service Desk platform such as Deepser allows you to automatically connect customer requests with the corresponding contracts, indicating the activities carried out to process the request and the time taken.

This is already a first advantage that derives from an integrated management of business processes. Using key indicators relating to contracts and performance you can monitor service quality in relation to contractual terms, initiate activities to improve the quality of the service offered and reduce the risk of incurring penalties towards customers. Thanks to dedicated reports you can extract significant information to make informed decisions to constantly improve your services.

How to effectively manage contract invoicing

Contract invoicing management is a crucial aspect for your company because it guarantees a stable and precise financial flow, ensuring timely payment for the services provided. By identifying the most suitable process for your company, you can significantly improve the efficiency and precision in contract management, facilitating invoicing activities, nurturing relationships of trust with customers and contributing to the sustainable growth of the company.

Here are some tips to optimize contract management and invoicing:

  1. Standardize contracts and simplify their creation process. Clearly define services offered, including objectives, deliverables, and service levels (SLAs). Make sure your payment terms and billing methods are clear and defined. Take advantage of technologies and use Contract Management software to automatically manage contractual changes.
  2. Centralize the information in a dedicated software, where you always have all the necessary contract information available and updated.
  3. Set up automatic deadline alerts to send timely notifications to your sales team and customers, proactively generate invoices before deadlines, and avoid late payments or unwanted renewals.
  4. Automate processes and use platforms to manage workflows that enable the automation of contract management and invoicing. This can include approval flows, automatic notifications, tracking of contract changes, or the scheduled creation of proforma invoices.
  5. Integrate the invoicing software or the management software with the service desk platform to automatically generate invoices on the dates established by the contracts and easily communicate the interventions to be invoiced to the management system. You will avoid manually entering data and you will reduce the possibility of errors.
  6. Use reporting tools to analyze contract data, services performed, invoicing and other key metrics to make continuous improvements.
  7. Offer customers a self-service portal, available 24/7, where they can view their contracts, assistance performed, devices rented or under warranty, and other relevant information. Customers will be more autonomous and will have immediate access to the information they need, thus reducing the number of requests they activate and improving their experience with your organization.

5 benefits of digitalizing contracts and invoicing

  • Accessing easily contracts from anywhere and at any time.
  • Reducing the risk of errors and speed up processing times by automating processes and repetitive tasks.
  • Monitoring contract deadlines with automatic alerts and reminders, reducing the risk of disruption.
  • Gaining better access control over documents, reducing the risk of unauthorized access, or loss of contractual information.
  • Improving customer satisfaction thanks to reduced response time and proactive management of contract renewals.

The digitalization of contract management and invoicing, combined with service management offers a comprehensive approach to optimize business operations.
Investing in digitalization is a fundamental step for companies that aim to be competitive in the contemporary market.

A business digitalization project allows your company to improve operational efficiency, optimize internal processes and offer better data accessibility and management. With the right approach, you significantly improve employee and customer satisfaction, contributing to company competitiveness.

On the market, you can find Deepser, a complete platform that offers all the features necessary to manage and automate customer support, contracts, and invoicing in an integrated way.

Find out what our customers are doing with Deepser and read the case study of one of them, who offers IT and consulting services. Click here to read the case study.

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